Calendars for Educators — September

As the school year begins, planning is key for educators 🙂 Calendars are very important in this process — here are a few ideas.’s “Fundays calendar” has lots of ideas for unusual observations. For example, who knew that Sept. 5 is “Be Late for Something Day”? A reminder that Sept. 9 is “Grandparents Day” is also timely 🙂 Other days of note in September include the Mexican Independence day (9/16),  Constitution day (9/17),  World Gratitude Day (9/21),  and author Shel Silverstein’s birthday (9/25).Sept. 2008

The Teacher’s corner web site also has monthly calendars of interest to educators. For example, September ‘s dates of note include Citizenship day (9/17),  Good Neighbor day (9/28) and Positive Thinking day (9/13).  Monthly calendars may be printed and coordinated with daily writing prompts or theme units.

Teachervision’s calendars include trivia as well as link to month long observances. For example:  this month is National Library card sign-up month and Kid’s Good Manners month.
Sept. 2008

Sept. 2008

 Scholastic’s calendars are easy to follow, concentrating on to-do items or major observances.
Sept. 2008
On This DayFor older students, the New York Times’ Learning Network site has a feature called “On This Day” with historical events occurring on the current date (archive available as well). Another interesting and informative calendar is the Read, Write, Think calendar  (authored by the National Council of Teachers of English, International Reading Association etc). 

Read, Write, Think Calendar

Read, Write, Think Calendar

While the emphasis is literacy and literature (authors’ birthdays such as Roald Dahl 9/13, etc), there are also many references to other significant events and observances such as Hispanic Heritage Month (beginning 9/15) and International World Peace Day (9/21).  Events are linked to high qulaity lesson plans and activities.