Math Applets & Lessons — eNLVM

eNVLMAuthored by Utah State University and funded by the NSF, the eNLVM (National Library of Virtual Manipulatives) is an outstanding, standards based resource for instruction and guided math practice in the NCTM core areas of geometry, measurement, number and operations, algebra and data analysis and probability. The interactive applets are divided into  grade ranges: pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 (younger students may have difficulty in reading instructions) within the 5 main areas.

Registered teachers may set up their own Setting up a Classcourses including materials to be used by their students, customized by class. Materials may be organized into “learning units” which


students may access for instruction and practice. Teachers may edit their course content, manage students (including keeping track of online work through the module), view all student answers at once, select applicable mathlets for practice and even edit select applets.



Students really enjoy learning using the animated, interactive modules such as spinners, ladybugs for logic and sequence, tangrams, and money. 
Examples of Mathlets

Examples of Mathlets

To learn more about the project, view either the Quick Start Manual or the tutorial powerpoint presentation for teachers.
More Info. & Tutorials

More Info. & Tutorials

As an added bonus, the applets and interface are also available in Spanish and French.

Wikibooks — Foreign Language Resources

Wikibooks is a collaborative, open content project. Authors around the world participate in creating books in many different languages and genres. For example,  there are thousands of pages written in English, French, Italian etc.Wikibooks

and hundreds of pages in languages such as Arabic,  Wiki Books ArabicFarsi, Norsk, Simple English, Tagalog and Turkish.

While there are several other sub projects of note (Wikijunior — books for children, Simple English — materials on various topics) because of the uneven level of coverage at this point, the Wikibooks is most useful for the foreign language resources.  


Visual Dictionary

Visual Dictionary Main

Visual Dictionary Mainanimations (frog life cycle), pictures, topic listing, french language. Biology: animal, plants and the human body, Transportation, Clothing and MusicVisual Dictionary Plants

    The Visual Dictionary is a beautifully excuted interactive resource. While the topics are very limited (Animal, Human and Plant Biology, transportation, music and clothing) they are visually rich. Each image is labelled in great detail.  For example, the plants category has 55 illustrations of plant topics such as berries, meiosis, leave shapes, nuts, seeds, growth cycle of a mushroom, stems, roots etc.
Visual Dictionary Plants

Visual Dictionary Plants

Plant Cell
Plant Cell

Many topics, such as the Amoeba and Life Cycle of a Frog, have animations and/or photographs. The Dictionary may be browsed visually by image, by theme or alphabetically through the Lexicon, or searched by keyword.  some topics are linked to Wikipedia entries. The Dictionary is available in two languages — English and French making this a great foreign language resource.